David Easton Counselling

David Easton Counselling - ABN 5913 8917 784



David is a practising Australian Social Worker with post-graduate training.  As a counsellor, David uses strength-based, holistic, and person-centred approaches to help clients achieve their goals and aspirations.  Their wellbeing is of paramount importance.  David works with clients in counselling sessions using these therapeutic approaches to reach their targeted outcomes. 

If a point is ever reached in counselling sessions where David cannot help clients further, he will discuss this with them to suggest other appropriate professional service alternatives. 


Halaxy is an encrypted administration practice software system that is utilized for booking, invoicing, payment processing, and record-keeping purposes.  Appointments can be booked using Halaxy via this very David Easton Counselling website.  Full payment is required before an initial appointment to fully maximize the use of the fifty-minute session time.  After this payment has been made, clients receive an information collection form to complete with personal and contact details, as well as the concerns bringing them to seek counselling sessions.  

Online counselling sessions are undertaken with Zoom, so ensure that speakers and microphones are working properly with Zoom beforehand.  Please consider finding a place that is private and safe where conversations can proceed openly, honestly, and with confidentially to cover whatever information needs to be shared during counselling sessions.  Be mindful of any ‘virtual intelligence’ devices that may be within listening range, such as Siri, Alexa, or Google Mini Speaker


All personal and sensitive information collected and maintained is kept safe and secure with encrypted administration practice software systems.  For example, Halaxy has 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) features in place and David is the only person with access to its contents. 

Any possible breach with utilized encrypted information systems requires David Easton Counselling to comply with the Australian Notifiable Data Breach Regulations (February 2018).  This means that you will be notified of any such possible breach, whether it ever took place or not. 


David attends professional Clinical Supervision sessions for his work as a counsellor and social worker.  This is to ensure that ethical and professional standards are maintained.  He may discuss a case in Clinical Supervision, but no identifying details will ever be disclosed.  In this way, the best possible consideration is provided to all of his clients.  Confidentiality will always be maintained within the codes of ethical and legal requirements.  All information collected during counselling sessions remains secure and confidential.  Exceptions to this cover the following: 

  Information that is subpoenaed by a Court of Law. 
  There’s a risk that you may harm yourself or others. 
  Disclosures concerning possible criminal activities. 

Due consideration should be exercised before disclosing anything of a previously unreported criminal nature, as David is obligated to notify relevant law enforcement authorities immediately. 


As a professional counsellor guided by the ethics of the Australian Association of Social Workers, David cannot become socially connected or close to any client outside of counselling sessions.  This includes social media platforms (i.e. become ‘friends’ or ‘contacts’).  There can be no dialogue or exchange of details in counselling sessions at any time, outside of those counselling sessions themselves.  The therapeutic relationship must always remain a professional one. 


David uses Zoom as this offers a dedicated meeting space through 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) features (along with end-to-end encryption) which enhances both security as well as privacy. This platform, among many others, meets international standards for encrypted transmissions.  Zoom has various live functions that can be utilized during the counselling session: 

  Online Video Conferencing is the optimal and preferred functionality. 
  Audio-Only functionality: that is, video conferencing with sound only. 
  Live Instant Chat functionality: that is, text messages back and forth. 

If you have any concerns about being visible on any screen or monitor, please discuss this matter with David.  Please note that recording of part or full Zoom sessions is not permitted to protect client privacy and confidentiality. 


Clients should familiarize themselves with downloading, installing, and logging into Zoom.  Importantly, please allow an additional fifteen (i.e. 15) minutes ahead of an appointment to sort out any technical difficulties before being ready to use Zoom.  If accessing Zoom on a particular device is problematic, please contact David via phone or email, and another option will be arranged by David.  If a client gets disconnected, please try logging in again.  If David gets disconnected, please stay connected while David tries logging in again.  In the event of IT communications or IT networking-related issues, which do happen occasionally, rest assured that an alternate resolution can and will be found. 


Please provide at least one full business day’s notice for appointment cancellations and rescheduling.  Otherwise, a charge of one half (i.e. 50%) of the full fee will be levied.  Exemptions may be made for medical or family emergencies.  If there is a repeated pattern of cancellations or non-attendances, David reserves the right to charge in full for all of those sessions. 


David has part-time employment with the Wheatbelt Specialist Palliative Care Service (WSPCS) in Northam, Western Australia.  Current patients, clients, and other recipients of WSPCS are not able to access services through David Easton Counselling due to potential conflict of interest concerns.